
  • Super 85 app v1.12 update

    Super 85 logo

    Version 1.12 of my Super 85 app has been released to the Apple App Store. This release contains some new features as well as some code refactoring. You can download it here: Release Winter 2024.01 : New: Updated:

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  • Netatmo Thermostat screen repair

    Thermostat icon

    A few weeks ago, my Netatmo Thermostat (model NTH01) started showing its first signs of old age. It’s been hooked up to my pellet stove for over 6 years now, it’s been a good and loyal servant 24/7. However, the e-ink screen started leaking recently and got gradually worse. I first decided to leave it…

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  • My first PR for an important open-source project

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    What satisfaction when your first Pull Request for a big open-source project gets accepted 😁 I’ve just started contributing to the CRM/ERP project Dolibarr and my code has been successfully merged (first time round btw !). If you’re interested, you can take a look at the PR on Dolibarr’s GitHub, link below. Many thanks to…

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  • ☁️ Sauvegarde Cloud sur Mac

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    Read 🇬🇧 English version here Pour le premier article tech en 🇫🇷 français sur mon blog, je voulais ✍️ écrire sur un sujet pour lequel j’avais eu une expérience réelle. De cette manière, mes propos seraient aussi authentiques que possible. J’ai récemment décidé de passer en revue mon système de sauvegarde domestique afin de m’assurer…

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  • ☁️ Cloud backups for Mac

    Cloud backup icon

    Lire version 🇫🇷 française ici For the first tech article on my blog, I wanted to ✍️ write about something I’ve had a first-hand experience with. In that way, my words would be as genuine as possible. So recently, I decided to review my home backup system to make sure I was doing the 3-2-1…

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  • 📚 Rubrique Livres

    Salut, Je viens de mettre en ligne une section 📚 livres sur mon blog pour suivre ceux que je lis actuellement, mais aussi ceux que j’ai terminés. Si vous êtes intéressés, j’ai aussi ajouté quelques détails sur chaque livre ainsi qu’un peu d’histoire sur l’auteur. Bonne lecture ✌️

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